Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, July 22

David and I are thinking about relocating

from Orlando, Florida to Manhattan, New York this fall. We wanted to keep a journal of our thoughts, progress of the move if we decide, as well as keep blogs of how we adapt if we live there. I have absolutely no idea how this will turn out. Maybe we won't even make it there. Maybe we'll fit right in and make friends, money and finally, music. We're thinking we'll only live there a few years. Maybe we'll end up living there permanently? Either way, we want to document how we're doing, what we find, and how we both feel along the way!

Dave grew up in Rome, New York, but often visited his grandparents in Long Island, occasionally seeing the city with his parents. When he was 8, his family moved to California for a few years, then to Orlando in 1985. Dave has been obsessed with the Empire State Building since he was a child, studies architecture, has a Bachelor's Degree in History, and is a true musician. New York is the perfect choice.

I was born in New Jersey, but my family moved to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida when I was two. When I was 12, I drew up a blueprint with details of a huge company I wanted to own in New York some day called "Renee Studios" (Renee is my middle name). Each individual floor of the building would have everything a big client would need: a top modeling agency on one floor, a photography studio on the next, then an ad agency, a illustration agency, a fashion design studio, and so on. When I was 14, I learned that one of my cousins got a job in New York as a cut-and-paste artist at a studio. I begged and cried to my parents to let me move there to get a job. I didn't even know what a a cut-and-paste artist did, really. So when I was 23, I moved to Orlando, just 3 hours away from home, to get a "city" feel. That's also when I started my career in Publishing. I moved to Los Angeles for a year, but I was already in personal debt, and the cost of living and bad credit didn't help at all! I moved back to Orlando to reorganize.

Florida has one, big Educational Textbook Publisher. Harcourt. My place of employment since 1997 (minus the year in LA). I'd love to work for a magazine. I need to learn more. I need to grow.

I've only been to New York one time, and that was for a week on business in 1998, where I worked out of a studio and my hotel room. Everything I saw was out of a window. I do remember seeing the Flat Iron Building from the cab...I even took photos of what I saw and learned later that the cool building in the distance from my hotel room was the Chrysler Building! Ugh.

Dave and I started dating in December 2002. We had lots of light conversations here and there about our interests in New York, but spoke heavily about it for the first time during the long 4th of July weekend. See what happens when you give yourself time to think about where you are in life? We bought plane tickets a few days later and started planning our visit.