Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, November 14

I’m alive- I swear!!!

I’m SO SORRY, guys!!! I’ve fallen SO behind in my bloggings… Just know that if you don’t hear from me, then something’s going on!!!

So much has happened in the last three weeks!!! Dave and I have been all over New York, have met tons of new people, have had three guests from Florida, Dave finally sold his truck, we both received huge opportunities for job promotions, I got my first real illustration gig, got invited to a big hoity-toity birthday party next week, and Eric, one of our closest friends from Florida has been staying with us for the last two weeks working at the same studio, who may possibly be my partner in my new position!

Let me back track a bit…I have about 10 partial blogs…I’m going to fill them in and post them for you. I'm trying to catch up on most things, including wrapping up my site (it’s taken me a while to get to it even though it’s a VERY basic design), and I’m going to take my digital camera to a shop this week to see if I can get it fixed!

Later today, I think we’re heading over to the Skyscraper Museum and introducing Eric to the Manhattan Old Navy (a four-story Old Navy with much different clothes than what you’d see in the regular stores!).

Chow! ; )