Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, January 31


:::Catchup blog for January, 2006 (see 3/14/07 post):::

Jan 1
Not a happy beginning to 2006…Eric and I got into a fight, so I didn’t feel like heading out this year. I stayed home a sulked while everyone else went out to Jef’s. Jef held a huge party with his roommate, too. Bummer.

JAN 10
I came across a web cam in the village- I’ll have to get in front of it the next time I’m picking up some cigars! ;)
Link for the live cam at Village Cigars

JAN 20
The Gogol Bordello/Cake concert was, of course, AWESOME! But a few of us drank a’MUCH too much and ended up squabbling a bit during Cake. (January seems like a sensitive month for all!) We got through it and had a blast in the end, anyway. We need to see Cake again to enjoy it with all smiles.

Tiny Cake

Dave and I

Marina and Jef outside (looking....something...)

Shoes (owned by Eric and I)

The ride home

JAN 21
So Bob, a co-worker and a growing friend of ours, lives out in Long Island. The Long Island Railroad from Manhattan’s Penn Station has a line that takes Bob to his stop in Merrick, and then runs aallllll the way out to Babylon- a two hour ride.

Bobby was probably in the worst shape out of all of us after the show. He was drinking his own drinks, plus the ones he went to get for us during the concert, since he couldn’t get back in through the crowd!!! (Yeah, sure, Bobby!)
After the concert, Bobby headed home on the train, but passed out, riding for two hours to the last stop, Babylon. He woke up and had to wait 45 minutes for the next train back. He passed out AGAIN on that train, and woke up at the Jamaica stop! He had to wait another hour before finally getting back on the train to take him to his stop, at 5 in the morning! (He stood up the whole ride to ensure he wouldn’t fall asleep again.) And so, “Babylon Bob” was born!

JAN 27
For Bobby’s 30th birthday, a bunch of us met up with some of his oldest friends at Grassroots Tavern in the East Village. DAMN, did we drank like FOOLS! I wanted to buy Bob a shot, but every single time I looked over, his friends were placing another shot of Jägermeister in his hand!

Brad was there (a friend from work), and he talked me into trying a shot of Southern Comfort with lime. The last time I had Southern Comfort was when I was drinking it from the bottle at a party when I was 17! That was one of those times where you get so ill the next day, it takes years to even look at the culprit liquor again... Well, 16 years later, I took 3 shots by the end of the night. Eugh! And I’m so bummed… I was pretty gone myself- I didn’t even take any photos all night!

Afterward Grassroots, we found our way to Coyote Ugly. It was a blast, except that after Bobby got “the treatment” (bending backwards over the bar into a dancer’s lap where she pours a shot of tequila from her mouth and disposes it into his), Bobby spent the rest of the night hunched over a garbage can in the back hallway. It was awful! He didn’t even remember being there.

Bob and his friends took the train back to Long Island, where all three of them passed out, passing their stop, and waking up at the last stop in…where else? Babylon! They decided to just take a cab home from there.

Jan 28
I saw this sticker by the Grove Street PATH station while I was waiting for the shuttle. Could this be for REAL? Sure is! I looked it up! Crazy.