Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, February 18

Not a bad weekend!

Not that the 3-day weekend caught me up on all my sleep, but it sure did help enough! I stayed in all day Saturday while Dave wondered into the city in the glorious weather and visited the NY Historical Society.

A cool photo out of the bus window on his way there...

Sunday, we decided to finally get new cell phones. Away with the mysterious restarts, pulling the battery out in order to get it unfrozen and crappy battery life! We both got the "enV" phones. They have GPS navigation, a music mp3 player, they have super photo and video quality, and a full key pad for texting, downloading videos and surfing the web! Quite the upgrade for us! I also bought one of those blue tooth ear buds so I can join the army of people appearing to have a discussion with themselves while walking down the street.

Sunday night we went over to Tamara and Kevin's place for a hell of a party! (I'm still hungover Monday night at 10pm!) Lots of incriminating photos and even more videos! There was a dance-off, a weird stomach baring incident with Andrew, and a TON of laughter. We missed our last train, so we ended up staying there with everyone else overnight. In the morning, it looked like a bunch of homeless people had invaded Tam and Kevin's apartment. I also feel sorry for the neighbors...

Rohan, Dave and Kevin

A few people from the group, a little while before things got weird....

HERE'S where it starts to get weird...

Dave's "Dance of a Thousand Fools"

Back to work. I even need to still send a status to a client tonight before I go to bed. Agh.