Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, February 28


:::Catchup blog for February, 2006 (see 3/14/07 post):::

LA Law V-day cards
Eric found these awesome retro-styled L.A. Law Valentine’s Day cards online by Brandon Bird!

B&B and MOMA
This weekend we headed over to Bumble and Bumble for a haircut, and then over to MOMA to see the Pixar exhibit! What a great afternoon. (Here are a few photos of the exhibit from someone else’s blog.)

Jef announces his departure
Jef gave us the sad, sad news that he would be returning to Orlando to be near his kids. Jef has really become a HUGE part of our lives- he’s truly a good friend that we hope one day will return.

Fej, we MISS YOU!!!

FEB 10
Belly of A Drunken Piano
This musical tribute to Tom Waits was held in the Huron Club at SoHo Playhouse (South Village) and was absolutely one of the coolest things we’d done in a long time. The Huron Club is a dark, underground (literally!) bar with a wide, theatrical stage, so it was the perfect setting! While Eric and I have always shared a love for Tom Waits, Jef and Dave had their first taste and had a blast! The actor (Stewart D'Arrietta) played piano and sang right in style- something that’s not easy to meet.

After many drinks, I think we individually started thinking about Jef leaving, and became sad. We headed out for even more drinks at the Raccoon Lounge, a strangely upbeat bar with hunting décor and a kick-ass selection of 80’s rock on the jukebox.

I wonder how we’ll all react when Jef actually leaves?

FEB 11
Cats get a bath
Lou keeps getting dirty (from some weird bowel problem), so I think it’s time for a real cat bath. What a day! Here’s are a few pics to add interest to this entry…

FEB 12
The Blizzard!
(Blogged later)
It snowed for almost two days. It was amazing! The coolest part was that it was also the Day Eric moved into his new apartment. Why cool? Because he only moved from one building to another, and all we had to do was use the sky bridge; we never set a foot outside!

Honestly, it didn’t seem like a huge, dangerous snowstorm to us. But then again, we don’t have a car. We didn’t have to drive through it or shovel it. But then, it just didn’t remind me of the storms you see almost every year in say, Boston. Or Chicago.

I think we got about 4 1/2 feet on our porch. Here are a few photos:

A table on our porch, just as the snow started...

...And after:

Dave made a path on the porch so we could see out-

Looking out our back door...

Outside, still snowing:

I kind of wish I lived right in the middle of the city- I’ll bet it was beautiful! Here are a few photos from other sites:
Someone's Flickr photos
Photos from CNN

FEB 13
The next morning
The city the next morning was just fine. They already had everything cleaned up and organized,,. That’s the way New York runs. Any type of weird weather or other problem- the city keeps everything in running order!

Jef, Eric and Dave on the way to work

Out after work

FEB 14
Spam for Valentine’s Day!
Dave took me to Fulton Fish House in Times Square for an amazing V-Day dinner. Great view, super fancy foods… Then he gave me a surprise card with tickets for SPAMALOT in it! The show was right after dinner.

Of course, the show was great. Hank Azaria is so awesome!

FEB 20
"Goldie" in the Orlando Sentinel!
Goldie lives next door to our last apartment in Orlando. Her house sits between our old place and an enormous condo that was being built. She absolutely refused to sell it in order for the condo to have more land. We thought it was awesome. And we had no idea she was 100 years old!

This article in the Orlando Sentinel was so cool- she describes the area way before any of the building we knew of existed!

GOD, FINALLY! A new camera!
I bought new camera- FINALLY! It’s the Canon PowerShot SD450 (Digital Elph). It’s perfectly small, takes video with sound and a million ways to shoot professionally, has a huge viewing screen, has a 12x digital zoom, and has a sh*tload of disk space! I am totally in love with it.

One of my favorite photos so far...