Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Wednesday, March 14

No way. For REALS?!

Ladies and Gentlemen… this blog was almost left for DEAD about a HUNDRED times over! The last real-time posted blog was THIRTEEN months ago! (Hey, maybe I'll seem different to you somehow. You know, like, more mature or something? Whatever.)

While I did keep spot-blogging many of our adventures, I refused to post anything until everything that happened subsequently was in place. I often thought it might be better just to let it go…But NO! I never gave up! I FOUGHT THE BIG FIGHT! And I WON, damn it!!!!

I’m pretty excited to get through the catch-up blogs and get back to my daily/weekly bloggings. Spring is almost here, personal changes are in progress, and I’ve got a CRAP LOAD amazing photos to share!

A quick list of the bigger things that happened over a year:
• While we made it through the "biggest blizzard in New York history since the 1800s" last winter, THIS winter was the WARMEST winter since the 1800s! Not a flake of snow until January 10th 2007! (And it was 70 degrees on January 6th!)

• Louie, my favorite, large orange cat, passed away in March 2006.

• Jef moved back to Orlando to be close to his kids. (We’re still moping)

• I've lost 28 pounds so far (and counting!)

• I FINALLY got my first tattoo (a new one TK this year for my 35th b-day)

• Dave became an uncle for the first time (Welcome, Emily!)

• I am the reigning champion of both Guitar Hero I and II

• Dave and I are proud parents of an English Bulldog (Welcome, Maggie!)

• I became the owner of a beautiful (and rare) Epiphone Genesis guitar

I have a TON of blogs saved that I’m going to post, but I’ll break them out by MONTH to make it easy on you. I'm currently working on uploading all the photos and will post everything soon. Give me until next weekend to finish!

Thanks for visiting again and I SWEAR to stick around this time!!!