Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, February 18

Not a bad weekend!

Not that the 3-day weekend caught me up on all my sleep, but it sure did help enough! I stayed in all day Saturday while Dave wondered into the city in the glorious weather and visited the NY Historical Society.

A cool photo out of the bus window on his way there...

Sunday, we decided to finally get new cell phones. Away with the mysterious restarts, pulling the battery out in order to get it unfrozen and crappy battery life! We both got the "enV" phones. They have GPS navigation, a music mp3 player, they have super photo and video quality, and a full key pad for texting, downloading videos and surfing the web! Quite the upgrade for us! I also bought one of those blue tooth ear buds so I can join the army of people appearing to have a discussion with themselves while walking down the street.

Sunday night we went over to Tamara and Kevin's place for a hell of a party! (I'm still hungover Monday night at 10pm!) Lots of incriminating photos and even more videos! There was a dance-off, a weird stomach baring incident with Andrew, and a TON of laughter. We missed our last train, so we ended up staying there with everyone else overnight. In the morning, it looked like a bunch of homeless people had invaded Tam and Kevin's apartment. I also feel sorry for the neighbors...

Rohan, Dave and Kevin

A few people from the group, a little while before things got weird....

HERE'S where it starts to get weird...

Dave's "Dance of a Thousand Fools"

Back to work. I even need to still send a status to a client tonight before I go to bed. Agh.

Saturday, February 16


It's been so, very very long since I've had the time or energy keep up something creative. With this 3-day weekend, I'm catching up on my much-needed sleep and investigating a few things that inspire me.

I've decided to take a sewing class. I've had an idea stirring in my head for about a year, and I need to remember how to use a sewing machine again!

Thursday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day! <3

Sunday, February 10

Iphone photo

Here's a great photo I just found on one of my favorite photo blogs,
Trevor Little:

Public iPhone in the East Village

Be sure to browse through some of my favorite links in the right column!

The Newest in Newport, NJ

Yesterday was cold and gloomy. Eric Dave and I walked over to Komagashi Too for a happy sushi power lunch!

Afterwards, we walked over by the skating rink to peek in the window of the soon-to-open Morton Williams grocery store that we CAN'T WAIT for! It looks like it's going to be huge! It's stuck right in between The Shore condos and across from the new Aquablù residential building. All right outside our front door. This area is growing so fast! Very, VERY exciting.

Here's a photo off the 9th floor by the tennis courts for The Shore. The left side is the newest extension of The Shore condo building. The right is part of the new AuqaBlù building, to open sometime in 2010, I believe.
(Notice how cold and crummy it is outside)

Eric joining the household!

Finally some very good news: Eric will be moving in with us for 2-3 months, either at the end of Feb or March! We asked if he would, since he's looking to move out of his place and his lease is coming up, and we're all looking pay a bunch of bills off and save as well... there's an awful lot going on at work and we want to have a cushion should anything happen.

We've all lived together before and it should work out great. (Famous last words, right?) ;)

Dave is still sleeping after staying up partying until 3am with Eric. I couldn't make it past midnight!

Friday, February 8

Dave playing out again!

This is kind of a late post, but I wanted to mention that Dave was playing out again!

He was contacted by two booking managers within 2 weeks of him putting up his myspace page! He's been playing over in Chinatown at 169 Bar. (Totally overpacked on the weekends, and a great place to play and make a little money on the weekdays!)

Dave is just about ready to look for a bass player. When his band is complete, he already has an agent ready to hook him up with a ton of great places!

Monday, February 4


This morning, Dave and I discovered that we had both given Maggie her allergy medicine independently, only ten minutes apart! The vet highly advised that someone watch her all day so make sure she had no major "overdose symptoms." Of course, I volunteered!

Throughout the day, Maggie went through a slightly drowsy state and napped on and off, and I ended up working all day from home. Bummer.

She ended up being all right by the end of the day. What a scare!

Right now she's back to her old self: "being a snork", as we call it. Wild and playful, growling and flinging toys about. Tomorrow, she's back to Doggie Daycare to burn off some energy from sleeping all day!

Sunday, February 3

A warmer day...

A high of 50- FINALLY! A warmer day!

Dave, Maggie and I took a very long walk down the Hudson for some fresh air:

A beautiful day walking through a park in Newport

Maggie overlooking the Hudson

The Hyatt and a peek at Exchange Place

Music Video

Dave and I have started working up some ideas for creating a music video of one of his songs, so I've been "Tubing" down the internet river for more inspiration.

I came across this simple, neat music video by Vampire Weekend. It has is nothing to do with the style we have in mind, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

Saturday, February 2

Digital Sculpture (YouTube)

I found this on YouTube. SO amazing. I wish I could create one.