Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, December 18

Maggie having surgery today

OH! I can't believe I didn't mention this: We took Maggie have surgery today. The week before Thanksgiving, she was playing at the dog park and must have turned wrong- she tore her ACL on her left leg. My little football player. Anyways, no doggie in the house today- it's weird. We won't pick her up until after 3 tomorrow! Poor Mags.

Back? Fer REAL???! Naahh....

Ok, I'm not making ANY promises this time! Especially since I've been using Facebook over the last month. Addicting, time consuming... plus I'm hoping to start a new job soon and with that, get back to Bikram since it would be nearby. I'm waiting to get an offer after my second interview this last Tuesday.

So let's see...what has happened since my last update in Feb? We moved into that phat pad I mentioned before- we have amazing amenities, a penthouse view (not to mention the view from our actual apartment), lots of space... VERY posh. We're actually saving money by doing it, too!

About the job... Well, I'd had my fill of the studio, and found out about another studio that had opened up right near my place. Lots of interviews, phone calls, details discussed- including a start date... about a week after I put in my two weeks, they moved my start date to Jan. After much going back and forth, I realized that the job wasn't actually available due to the unstable position Publishing has been in. I immediately asked a friend about his new job and lucked into an interview.

It's not in Publishing which is great! I was originally supposed to move to NY and not stay in Publishing as long as I did. I wanted to work at the studio long enough to get my bearings on the city and find a job doing something different using what I know. So, 4 years later, I have even more mad skilz (yes, I just wrote that) and I'm hoping to start work as a "Senior Producer", or uber-Project Manager, pretty much what I've been doing over the last 11 years of my life.

I'm going to be 37 this year! I want to make sure I get into something new now before I get too old! I'm going to be competing against 20 somethings who will have more energy and work for cheap. I need to breathe new life and work my way up into something I love! So, that being said, wish me luck! It's been two days and I haven't heard a thing back.