Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, July 26

Five Days until our first visit

to New York! How exciting!!! I can't wait to see everything for the first time: The height of the buildings around me, being overwhelmed by Times Square, the vastness of Central Park, the Empire State Building, Ground will all finally become real. And even though we're only going to be there for 3 1/2 days and we're just supposed to soak it all in to make sure it feels like the right thing to do, I've already sent out my resume to five great companies (using some personal contacts) which created two interviews while we're out there (one really big one!). I've also already contacted three apartment places so we can meet up with them. I needed to get the important stuff out in the open. This is a serious thing, and I want to make sure we can afford it! I've learned my lesson on packing up and just "going for it". Living in Los Angeles proved that the world works very differently than a day dream...

We've even started this web site blog before the web design is even done! We haven't even bought a domain or found a good host. I've been researching, though. I hear that "" has some great packages. The web design will be very simple until other things get accomplished. I wanted to get our thoughts out before things get in motion. I'd love to look back on this some day to see how far we went.

Dave is 32 and is ready to start a new career doing something he actually likes! He's not sure what it is yet, but New York has SO much to offer- so many things to try! I suggested project coordinating in Publishing- maybe he can get a job at the same company that I'm interested in working for. It might help us both out at first (ok, maybe just me)...we'd travel on the subway and have lunch together, but I'd also be around to help him out. Plus, we'd both go into New York making a pretty decent amount of money!

As far as costs of apartments, we both know what to expect- between $1300 and $1800, depending on what area we want. I'd love to live in Manhattan, but I don't know how I'd feel living in the middle of the hustle of a huge city. Of course, there are probably some really cool parts that would be just like downtown Orlando like Greenwich Village, but I'll bet it'll cost you. We'll have to see.

I've heard you can get a larger place for a little less money in New Jersey, and you can take a train and be in Manhattan in ten minutes. I've heard Hoboken was cool, but a bit (over)trendy (i.e. boring) like Thornton Park is here, and Jersey City is being renovated and is still "undiscovered", so it's cheaper yet.

BTW: Three things that are in NY that I'm excited about...
1. Bikram Yoga!!!
2. IKEA!
3. A glass bead making place I saw on "Queer Eye..."

FIVE days...five days...five days...