Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, November 29

Thanksgiving trip

What a trip! We flew out on Thursday morning, flew back on Sunday morning. It took us two and a half hours to fly from Orlando to New York, but we tried taking a different subway home and sort of got lost, so it took us 3 and a half hours to get from Kennedy airport to our apartment!

In switching trains, I took a few pics of art in a particular subway station:

The next time you fly somewhere, try and get onto a Song flight. We've flown them a few times- they totally rock. Everyone has their own tv in the back of the seat in front of them- you can watch tv the whole time, watch a movie, play games, or keep tabs on your flight: where you are in your flight, how high up you are, how many miles you've traveled, how fast you're going, what the temp. is outside, etc....

And my favorite...yep, the FOOD. They have a menu you can order from, and everything on it is good! Sodas are always free, and they have a whole bar of drinks to choose from, even fresh martinis. I always have a comfortable flight with them. Having the tv always makes time go by fast, too.

Anyway, for Thanksgiving, my parents drove from Palm Beach Gardens up to Orlando to have dinner with Dave's was really nice of them! We all had a great time. Saturday night, I went with Dave's family to the TD Waterhouse Centre to see the Magic beat the 76ers! What an exciting game (105-98)! Also, December 3rd will be my first b-ball game at Madison Square here in NY: Magic vs. Knicks!

Also while in Florida, ironically, I got my first winter coats and hauled them home. My parents insisted on making sure I was going to be warm enough, so I ended up with three awesome coats from the Burlington Coat Factory. I hear that this November is unusually mild, and the freezing cold weather is expected drop out of nowhere and hang out until March. I hope I can get through it!