Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, September 10

Last night at Alpha Bar

...was awesome!!! Lots of people showed up to see Dave play. Dave even made 16 bucks. I didn't really try to get any photos of him, though. The stage has a weird wood bar that goes across the front of the stage, which is a good four to five feet high. I guess it's to keep people from falling off the stage or something.

Dave performed better than ever- Every show is better than the last. His voice was awesome! He played like he was having a great time, which made everyone transform into a partying mood! I can only imagine what it will be like when he begins playing in a full band!

The night continued over to Doc Holiday's. By the end of the night, lots of various beers and other concoctions had been drunk. I'm actually staying home today to recoop while Dave and Jef head over to Ron's for more partying at a giant block party in Hoboken. I know I should go, but I'm just so tired from last night and the entire week!

Here are a few photos from last night:

Alpha Bar, pre-show shots (none for me, thanks!)

Just a few of the people that were there for Dave: Steve, Marina, Bobby, Eric, me and Shannon...

Iris & Scott with Dave after the show

"Eat Me": Some hot-dog hangout (on St.Mark's St) that we passed on the way to Doc's

The weather is starting to get cooler, more crisp. It was a beautiful night and the music was amazing! Thanks, Dave!!!