Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, September 5

Bar-B-Q at Jef’s

We had a great time over at Jef’s with friends last night. He had a barbeque up on his roof again. We were there around 5pm and stayed until about 1am before we hit a local bar before last call!

It was a great party: the sunset, acoustic guitar, lots of beer and spicy sausages! It was awesome. And Jef’s place is so great. THANKS SO MUCH, JEF!!!

The sunset over a part of Jersey City.

Eric, Deb and Dave

Deb and Geron singing

Manhattan and Newport @ night from the rooftop

Late night at Barrow Street bar

By the way- the Manhattan skyline is beginning to get blocked by upcoming condos being built in Jersey City and Newport. If you want to buy a place with a New York skyline view, now is the time!!!