Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, August 21

A birthday weekend at Cape May

Welp, we found our newest little getaway! Cape May was awesome!!! We rented a car and drove there (it’s about 2 hours away) on Friday night and stayed for two nights at “ The Abbey ”, a Victorian Bed and Breakfast. What a cool neighborhood, too- it felt like “The Truman Show”, but with a beach!

The Abbey had rooms to lounge in that were filled with actual Victorian furniture, musical instruments and various items. I felt like I was in a museum, but I could actually touch and use everything there. I would totally stay there again.

The beach was also great. We went Saturday morning, and there were at least two dozen dolphins out there jumping and playing. They don’t get close enough to touch, but they were fun to watch!

There are multiple restaurants, shops and places to stay, all along the beach. We ate at Harry’s twice, one of the beachfront seafood places. We ate dinner at The Lobster Pot, a gigantic seafood place a few blocks away. It consists of several restaurants that sit on a pier. There’s a fancy inside restaurant, with a more laid-back one outside alongside a raw bar.

We also both went to a local spa for the day. We each got major body massages and facials. We felt like rubber when we left. Extremely awesome. I’ve been waiting for a spa day forever! Dave agreed that we should do it at least once a month.

I highly recommend Cape May for both a family and romantic getaway. Staying at The Abbey ended up costing $200 a night, but there are plenty of other affordable places to stay right down the street.

The street our place was on…

The Abbey (our room is at the very top on the other side)

One of the lounges in The Abbey

At Harry’s on Saturday

The Cape May Light House. We drove there and climbed to the top.