Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, August 15

NY music scene

So things went all right on Monday...sort of. I won't get into details. Everything else is crazy at work- way too many meetings going on to get everything else done!

But, whew! Open mic on Monday night was crazy! And I may have said this before, but Dave's voice has changed so much since we've moved here! Not that his voice was bad in Orlando- it’s that he’s been hitting some notes FULL VOICE that he was never able to reach before! He’s added on a whole octave since he’s been playing here!

I'm sure it has to do with him being more relaxed. The life he was living in Florida was crazy. He's also doing yoga now, and playing out at least twice a week, every week. Lots of practice. And, he's got quite the NY music network going on!

We're really getting into the music scene here, and it's so different than Orlando! (All together now: “DUH!”) The attitude is so much cooler, the networking is so incredibly strong- musicians from different bands actually play nice. They support each other. And playing out is FINALLY about the music. Not the fans, or the perfect stage performance, or the perfect vocals. It's actually real! We've missed that. And all those things make the music sound even better!

Dave has written some great stuff, and is dying to get out there as a band, rather than acoustically. He's taking his time, though. No ads to find the other musicians. Just word of mouth, meeting people at gigs, and jamming for fun. It will happen naturally.

My birthday is tomorrow! I'll be at work, though. Dave and I are working on the same project, so we can't both take tomorrow off. Plus, it's no fun sitting at home by myself!