Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, August 2

Mysterious Popeye arms

I think this might come across as one of my stranger blogs...

Over the last two months, I've noticed some major muscles showing in my FOREARMS.

At first, I though maybe it was because I was losing weight from yoga and some new, lean muscles were showing up. But there's not really any major use of the arms in that class... Dave and I couldn't figure out where these guy-looking muscles were coming from. Dave has been calling me "Popeye". (You know... for extra support.)

[insert anchor tattoo here]

I know, not a pretty-looking arm. Maybe this doesn't look like much muscle to you, but it's almost getting too much for me, and it freaks me out!

Recently, we came up with a possible explanation: believe it or not, we're thinking that it's the way I hang on to the poles in the subway. Yep! I tend to grip tightly (sometimes for my life when the operator is heavy on the pedal), and I kind of "hang" back at an angle. I think it's a pretty good guess.

I wonder if there's a way to REDUCE muscles???