Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, July 23

A day at Chelsea Piers!

Dave, Eric and I took a ferry from Newport over to Chelsea Piers Chelsea Piers today, and the most fun we'd had here so far! Chelsea Piers consists of 5 giant piers, which holds a sports complex, a spa, a driving range, and a few restaurants. There's tons more to each individual pier, but those are the places we saw.

Each of us took turns in the batting cage- it was the BEST! Then we headed over to the four-story driving range where Dave and Eric (and I, reluctantly) hit a few golf balls. The weather was astounding. The driving range is on a pier on the Hudson River with yachts, party boats and sailboats docking and drifting by.

We wandered around some more, past the spa and over to the last pier. There's a restaurant there called "Cafe du Solei". It's huge! It takes up the whole pier, and there's a huge stage at the end where they have bands every Saturday. The food was great! (And so was my margarita!)

There's a boat docked up against one side of the dock called "The Frying Pan". It's an old ship that had sunk and was brought back up and left as a sort of museum, except that the restrooms are on it for the restaurant. It looks like you could have a band play in it... it's the coolest place, but you'd have to see it to believe it.

Here are a few photos (although I took a TON more- what an awesome day!)

Here's a building in Newport while we waited for the ferry.

From the ferry, a good shot of the building we work in! Notice the ESB, Madison Square Garden, the NY Post Office, One Penn Plaza, The New Yorker building... pretty cool, huh?

Me in the batting cage (I hit better than the guys!)

The driving range from the end: 250 yards out.

Dave after taking a great swing

Dave and I at "Cafe du Solei"

A shot of a small part of the restaurant from above

Across the Hudson from the same spot- a view of Newport/Jersey City