Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, July 18

Cells for Folks

Sounds like a cell phone drive for the needy!

This weekend I did my good deed for the year: I brought my parents to the 21st Century and bought them cell phones! This will be the first time either of my them have owned a cell phone. I bought the same one for myself, of course... (And, Dave and I finally got New York numbers!!!)

All of us will have the same kind- it’s got a camera (flash, 4X zoom and even a sliding lens cover), voice dial and speaker phone… it’s quite an upgrade to what I had before! I was still using an old crappy one that came free when signing up almost two years ago. It didn’t even have voice dial! (Poor me, right?)

Anyway, I’ve been having fun with the camera features. In fact, here are two I’ve taken in the last 24 hours:

This was an ad on the PATH train for “Eurofly”, a travel company offering travel packages to Europe. Someone has managed to smash an actual fly right on the poster.

This afternoon, we spotted a guy in a gorilla suit and a camera crew walking down 31st outside our office windows. He was all the way out across the street, so this was as close as my 4X zoom could get. I call this one “BigFoot on 31st”. (Oh, and don't worry about that truck. The light was red.)

Tonight, Dave is back at Kate Kerney’s again. It should be a fun, relaxing night.