Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, July 5

Our first 4th!

Dave, Eric and I spent our first "New York" 4th of July over at friends Jef and Angie's new apartment, just three blocks from our place. WOW, what a view!

Dave with Dixon Mills in the background (behind the church)

A small section of Jef and Angela's lucky 180-degree roof view!

I've never had a fourth of July like this one! I thought we were lucky because we had a great rooftop view of the fireworks that were to be set off between the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island... but we were even luckier! When I had heard that this 4th of July event would be the best in history, I just thought that they meant the one in the harbor would be that great. Nope! There were fireworks in the harbor, the financial district, AND in mid-town, all synchronized, all running 30 minutes long!!! Wow. It was just astounding.

These photos don't give it justice, of course, but here goes...

Our view to the left: Midtown

Our view in the center: the Financial District

Our view to the right: the Statue of Liberty/NY Harbor

We also saw fireworks off in the distance from all the other boroughs- even throughout New Jersey! We saw the shows going on in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, Newark, and all the other neighborhood fireworks. We were out there for hours, drinking margaritas, the air was cool and crisp, the sky was clear. Whew.

Thank you so much again, Jef and Angela!!!!!!!