Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, June 26

Bikram during the gay parade

This weekend was relaxing: very laid-back. Dave was warming up for his first NYC open-mic tomorrow night, and ended up writing two really amazing songs, which he may perform as well. Wednesday after work, we're going over to the music studio to rehearse together for the first time since moving here.

Today, we went to Bikram. What we didn't realize was that the Gay Parade was today! It took forever to squeeze through the crowds to get to class! The parade was right outside the window of the room we have class in (5th Ave.). It was hard to focus with all the music and screaming outside! Our instructor was practically yelling out everything.

After class, we were allowed to climb out on the terrace to watch for a while. Imagine standing out on the 3rd floor across from the Flat Iron building, a full view of Madison Square Park and the Met Life Tower, with thousands of people filling the streets and a huge, colorful parade of wild and fun people marching and riding down the was GREAT!

I was killing myself (and still am) over leaving my camera at home. That's IT! I'm not going ANYWHERE with out from now on! (Even if that means I have to buy another, smaller one!!!)