Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, June 13

Approaching normal

This weekend was sooo nice! I spent some time in the city with Eric and we did a little shopping. We also ate at Olive Garden, a place I didn't think I'd see and/or eat at in New York, but it was fun, breadsticks and all. As usual, I ate way too much.

Dave is having fun in Orlando as well! He's mostly resting and spending time with family, although he did get the chance to see a few friends (Agner and Frita, Deee-lia!, "Coward" and Vera, Izzy and Ryan). Izzy's actually flying to New York tomorrow, the same day Dave is! Different times, but still! I can't wait to see you, Iz!!! And Ryan- I wanna see you here soon, too! (Not that I don't want to see everyone else here, mind you!)

While Dave was away, I bought a few items for him while I was out looking for Father's Day gifts. (DON'T FORGET FATHER'S DAY- IT'S THIS SUNDAY!!!) I also found a fun tee for Dave online: a "Pipe Camp" shirt.

So life is finally picking back up again! When Dave gets back, we'll be back on track for our fitness schedule! I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but we have friends that are getting married in October, so we're going to have to be serious until then! That's our goal to get ourselves into decent shape. Four months should be plenty of time!

Things are also getting back to normal at work: The Social Studies books have started (we're interviewing while we're pouring pages tomorrow), and I'm working with the Science book as well until the main Project Manager returns. I'm moving copiers and shifting shelves. It was a loooong 6 weeks of boredom!