Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, June 5

Korova Milk Bar

We STILL don't have A/C, going on two weeks now. Last week the temp would toggle from the 50s to the 70s, so it wasn't a big deal. But THIS weekend - today - it will go up to 90. THANKS Dixon Mills!!! ...That's ok, sort of- we're going out today anyway. My first Mets game at Shea!

Last night we headed over to the east village to meet up with Iris and Scott at Korova Milk Bar and had some white Russians. (Did I *have* to capitalize "Russians" since it's only the name of a drink? If so, should I have capitalized "White", too??!)

We went over to another bar for a few beers, and then ate at a gourmet-type pizza place. I can't remember the name of it... it's near Stuyvesant Town, where they live.

Later, Dave and I headed over to Doc Holiday's, which was packed and smelled of sweaty people. So, we hit the can and left.

A few photos walking around-

We ended up running into Steve, another friend at CBGBs. There are signs all around that read, "Save CBGBs". Apparently, their rent was increased to something around $40,000 a month and they're in danger of closing. It would be so sad if they closed- even just for history's sake. But every time I've been in there they've had crappy bands playing and it was not even close to packed. I can't imagine they make anywhere near that amount a month for rent. Crazy.

It's so warm in the apartment, and I'm still a tad hung over. To the game!!!