Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Friday, May 27

Things are a'changin'

It's so crazy to go back to the first blogs of this site. I wasn't even sure we would make it to New York, then when we did, there wasn't even much time for adjustment! And there were so many ideas and personal goals: a few that finally came to be, some that were left behind and forgotten about, and so many still swirling and in the works!

I've recently pulled out some of the songs I was working on before we moved last year, and I don't think they're too bad for my first batch. Playing music is finally getting back on my list of current interests. Eric, Dave and I will hopefully be heading over to the studio near work to move some air.

If I get heavily into playing again, I'm thinking I might start up a separate blog: a music journal-type blogger. In the past, I've started about 5 different ones, all from different years: in 1995 when I was imagining what type of music I'd end up playing, in 1997 when I was playing sax, in 2002 when I started to learn to play drums, in 2003 when I started learning guitar, and I think a few times when I was really heavy into writing, then when I started practicing with Dave.... and they all drop off at some point- nothing really ever happened. Well, life happened, I guess. Work or some other circumstance always got in the way somehow. But doesn't it always?

We saw the new Star Wars this week, and despite what some people had said, I kind of liked it. There were a few places where I rolled my eyes, but it was an impressively dark movie. On a scale from 1-10, I'd actually give it an 8. Much better than I expected going in.

Dave bought tickets to go home for a week- he leaves this Tuesday... (jealous:::jealous:::) But, it looks like we have quite a bit coming up soon, so maybe he won't be out too long. We've got Social Studies (a Michigan and New York), six grades of Science, then 2 or 3 more grades of Social Studies in November, as well as 2-3 grades of Math in August. I've already placed an ad on and have gotten a slew of applicants. We'll interview this week and see what we find. I think we'll need about 6 more people by late August.

Anyway, I'm feeling better, but still sore with a few coughs here and there. The doctor's appointment went very well this week. I had another x-ray, took a respiratory test, and had a blood test. The results were of a virus mixed with asthma symptoms, both keeping each other from going away at a normal rate, so I have to use one of those nerdy asthma pump things for two weeks. I also found out my cholesterol was normal for the first time in 4 years (boy, am I giving you exciting info, or what?!). Basically, I am normal (physically, anyway).