Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, May 17

I'm here! I'm here!!!

I’ve been going through some MAJOR blog guilt (the feeling one is abandoning one's own blog if one doesn't make at least a close-to daily entry) and worrying about going through a little blogeality (the sense that something didn't really happen unless it’s actually logged in as a blog entry).

I HAVE been blogging, actually… but it’s been more like making “side entries”. I just haven’t touched my mac at home much in a month. I usually create entries at work when I have the time, then email them to myself at home. So, here I am after 27 days (that’s TWENTY-SEVEN DAYS: the longest I've gone without blogging since I started July of last year!), furiously copying and pasting, editing and adding photos.

Also, our personal web site is still down. I hadn’t added much to it since I had bought it. I have so many photos to upload to catch it up, so I’m formulating a plan. It will either be all done when the site gets back up, or I’m considering uploading to an online album for free, where I (and maybe others) can purchase prints. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. Otherwise, I didn’t want to pay for a site I wasn’t really using. And the web cam was cool, but I have to admit, the view was pretty boring. I’ll figure something out soon! (I have had much self-inflicted guilt over it)

Here are the finished blogs to free myself of any negligence liability, for your reading enjoyment. Feel free to ask any questions.