Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, May 17

Dishwalla's new album

While exploring the internet, I returned to the website of one of my favorite bands, Dishwalla.

I’ve been heavily enjoying them for almost 10 years now. It’s tough to pick my favorite album: possibly “Opaline”, which is so insanely surreal… “And You Think You Know What Life’s About” is much harder. Perhaps “Pet Your Friends”, which is less harder, but SO ROCK! Also “Live…Greetings From the Flow State” is also amazing; JR’s voice is even incredible live. And the fans are so inspiring on that album…

Anyway, they’ve just released a new album, simply called “Dishwalla”. (…odd. Why do bands do that?)

I’m not too impressed with the cover, either. It's art of a woman's stomach with a "dishwalla" tattoo. I’m definitely not offended or anything… it just seems so 80’s or something… (also, isn't the belly button alittle too high?)

I’m also not totally sold by listening to samples of the songs; compared to everything else they’ve done, it sounds sort of empty. But then I wasn’t sure about “Opaline” for the first two whole listens after buying it (I was comparing it to the previous two albums). Then as I understood where the album was coming from, it became one of the best ones!

They’re pushing the song “Collide”, but I’d like to hear the whole song “Surrender The Crown”. “Bleeding Out” sounds like it might be good, too…

You can listen to bits of every song on the album at their "Virtual Listening Party" page.