Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, May 5

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Last year for Cinco de Mayo, Dave and I left work early and ate outside in the sun at Adobe Gila’s at Pointe Orlando. We also drank plenty of frosty Coronas. I believe I also had my tounge pierced that night…

This year, we’re at work until probably 7pm. Eric is in Orlando until Sunday. I asked him to go to Adobe Gila’s for us, so he DID, the bastard! Ugh. I’m so jealous!!!

But, it turns out that halfway through, a huge thunderstorm came and they had to run inside. Some of the outside tables even blew over! At least they had those beautiful waitresses to look at (high shirts and low sitting short shorts).

This week has been amazing in a bad way. Much hell has been raised by a particular person at work, and everyone is pretty tense. I feel like a referee. I’m basically a liaison for this person to the others; it’s ridiculous. I’m afraid what will come with the news of this mayhem next week.

ANYWAY, BIKRAM AGAIN TONIGHT! Dave is so totally into it- it’s so awesome we can experience something like this together! We both look stronger, and I’ve already gotten two compliments this week from two different people at work. They both said I looked different somehow: glowing, or happier. I know it’s Bikram. I feel so good! I feel balanced, and I think I’m handling the employee issue with much grace because of it.