Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Wednesday, April 20

A week off!

On the ESB:

I can't believe a pigeon made it all the way up to the 86th floor!

My parents are in town- I'd been finishing up the apartment, making plans, and getting work in line for my week off! My web site is down for a few days, sorry guys- I need to renew!

My mom and dad arrived on Monday afternoon, so I took a cab from work to pick them up and had a car drive us all home to Jersey City.

Yesterday we rode in a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park, walked over to Rockefeller Plaza and visited the NBC studio, went into St.Patrick's Cathedral (BEAUTIFUL!!!), went to the top of the Empire State Building, and then we all met up with Eric and Dave for a food and drink fest at Heartland Brewery! And I've been talking about uploading all my photos forever- this week might be the pusher for finishing up the photo pages....yesterday's photos were astounding. I can't wait to show you the inside of the Cathedral!

After even more partying at home last night, we're all pretty worn out this morning, but I think we're heading over to my work today so they can meet everyone- maybe meet up with Dave and Eric for lunch. Maybe we’ll go over to the WTC today as well.