Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, March 24

Angry people and Spring?

As we walked up to the front door of our work's building on Monday morning, we were greeted with crowds of yelling people jamming up the streets, cops and news crews everywhere, and hundreds of impatient people holding signs and waving papers of some kind, waiting in a giant, unorganized line.

Here's a photo taken from just above our window much later, after the police had cleared out the angry mobs and organized the area. The waiting line goes off to the left and wraps around the building.

The Daily News apparently reported the wrong Daily Lottery numbers (see the article). It was quite a sight to see- it was hard not to peek out the window every 20 minutes!

The rest of the week was actually very good. I got a ton done, including making the final plans for the new production room. I'm so excited! Lots of meetings, organizing and getting a little more ahead.

Tuesday we discovered an awesome little grocery store right outside the PATH station! It's tons cheaper than taking a cab over to Shop Rite (not to mention not full of insane people)! We spent $37 for all the groceries we needed, plus a few goodies! We bought our stuff and caught the shuttle back to our place. It couldn't be any easier!

Yesterday the weather was the worst we've experienced in New York yet! We had to walk five blocks through sleet and whipping winds. Boy, those normal five blocks seemed long!!! The weather seemed extreme, since it was just in the high 50s and absolutely beautiful the day before! This morning, there's snow covering sprouting spring leaves and flowers, and slush on the sidewalks.

We have tomorrow off for Good Friday- awesome! I'm hoping Macy's will have an Easter sale, too. We're supposed to eat out somewhere nice tonight, but we're all sort of tired out. We'll probably veg out for some of tomorrow before heading back into the city.