Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Friday, March 11

Friday night dinners

We've decided that every Friday night, we're going to eat out someplace different. So, if I continue to keep up the blogs, you should get a brief description of a different NY restaurant once a week!

Tonight we walked from work on 31st and 10th down to Houston Street, where we wandered around until we found an Italian restaurant called Rocco Ristorante over on Thompson Street. Very well priced, awesome neighborhood feel, AMAZING FOOD.

Dave got clams over linguini. Eric got blackened scallops and veggies. I got the meat tortellini. We had a great meal with Italian beers, and finished up with incredible desserts.

On the way home, we walked all through Greenwich Village. We passed by Jekyll and Hyde's, a mad scientist-themed bar where the servers are actors. It looks cool from the outside- kind of like a haunted house. The sidewalks in New York often have large grates in them where you can hear and feel the subways rumbling under the city. Outside the bar, I heard people laughing and shouting- they must have the bar in the basement. They hold a "Scaryoke" every night, where I hear they give you a shot every time you sing. I think we're going to visit there next weekend (we were just too stuffed to stop for more drinks).