Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, March 1

To the gym!!!

Yep, we did it. We joined the gym were we live. Not bad!

I took a "before" photo to refer to. You know, to look back and scoff at when I look like a Goddess and all. Yeah, that's it.

Dave always goes crazy when he works out- it's hard to keep up! He's already quite fit, plus since moving here he's gotten leaner. Before he gets to the weights, he starts out on the Elliptical machine for 30 minutes using one of the higher programs... I'm up there at my own pace with NO program, breaking a sweat. You should see him lifting weights! He’s such a psycho.

Speaking of psycho, lots of craziness went on in the 2 days Eric and I weren't at work. There's a whole lot of work to do. We need to cut the strings loose and get down to business. We're so busy doing other jobs, we haven't been able to start up on our own. This is going to be a tough few weeks.