Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, February 17

Creating a bigger future

Me at work yesterday; I'm on the phone.

Eric took this photo right before we left to see his new place for the first time! It's a very cool studio apartment: a long room with a great kitchen in it! He's signed his paperwork and will have the keys on Saturday! Coincidentally, this weekend is a HUGE President's Day sale at IKEA, so Eric, Dave and I are headin' over for some Swedish meatballs and cool stuff!

Work is getting pretty interesting. I've been making plans to create the brand-new Production Department! I don't know if I had mentioned it before, but the studio I work in is a major DESIGN studio. They've had some pretty good-sized production jobs, but they've never had a real functioning, official full-out production department. I've been making floor plans, looking up prices for office walls and shelving... I'm even making my own office, kinda like SIMS in real life!