Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, January 23

LOTS o' snow! (and the cam's up!)

While I'm totally kicking myself over and over for not grabbing my camera to take photos of the empty, oversnowed New York streets, we took plenty in Jersey today. I know it could be a lot more snow, but it's the most I've ever walked through! The piles of snow up on the sidewalks were taller than we were. I felt bad for anyone who owned a car!

And don't forget the yellow snow...

On the way walking over to Target...

Anyway, it's time for me to get my web site up to speed. I never did get all the photos uploaded. I DID, however, manage to make the time to get my web cam up and running! I'm also looking into a second one (so I can have an outside and inside one).