Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Friday, January 21

BBQ and Blizzards

Tonight we ate over at Dallas BBQ (on 8th Ave) awesome dinner for 10-degree weather! It’s the first barbeque place I've found that equals Wildfire's (now called "Wildside's") in Downtown Orlando. Two floors, every seat packed, awesome pulled pork, cornbread and the biggest margaritas I've ever tried to finish. Also the loudest place I've ever eaten.

I guess winter's officially here! On Wednesday we had snow- just about 4 inches. On the way home, we threw snow at each other (Dave and Eric really got into it), made tiny snowmen with cigarette butts for eyes and made a snow angel in an empty parking lot.

We're going to experience our first BLIZZARD tomorrow afternoon. We'll be at work, but we'll have to leave sometime! I hope we can get home in time! The snow is supposed to fall heavily until Sunday morning, leaving about 2 feet of snow! Hee-YEAH!

My mom thinks we're going to get sick of the snow. But we don't drive a car, or have to shovel the snow...the apartment owners take care of it all. The shuttle picks us up so we don't have to walk through it (unless we want to), and we take the subway to work. I'm also so incredibly lucky to have a giant window at my desk! I get to watch the snow and watch the city move at night (if I'm still there). So far, I'm very happy. We're all really settling in.

ALSO, I bought an iSight! I'd LOVE to have it up so I can show you the snow tomorrow...I've had it for nearly a week now and haven't been able to get the time to set it up. I'll make time this weekend if I can't figure it out tonight; I'm very excited!!!