Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Wednesday, December 22

First NY Celebrity Sighting!

You'd think you’d only see a celebrity at a fancy café, walking through Central Park, or out in a big bar somewhere. Nope. We actually stood right next to Harry Connick, Jr in the elevator of the building we work in!

For those who don't know who he is: he's an amazing singer and pianist. He plays big band music and sings like Sanatra. He sang “It Had to Be You” in the movie When Harry Met Sally. He's been in different movies such as Independence Day, Copycat and Iron Giant. He's also been on the tv show "Will and Grace" a bunch (so I hear).

My favorite album of his is "We Are In Love" (1990). I have a special place in my heart for that album…I was on a date experiencing my first fondue dinner at The Melting Pot, and heard a few songs from the album being played. The music was so carefree and romantic; I just had to ask who the artist was. Some of those songs really make my heart happy.

I noticed him as Eric, Dave and I approached the elevator- we had just returned from a meeting at McGraw. I was thinking, "Naahh"...but when all of us got in, we quietly stood together and I glanced over a few times...I keep kicking myself for not saying hello!!!!!! Maybe he would have been cool, hung out at the doorway of our studio until I ran and got my camera…. I wish I had a photo of he and I to show you. Bummer. BUMMER!

All 12 floors of the building we work in are major photo studios, except for the bottom floor (which is Atta, Inc.) and ours on the 3rd floor. Maybe he was there for a shoot or something.