Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, February 13

Awesome outside, not inside

We are all wiped out. We're all sitting around the apartment in silence. It's 1:30 in the afternoon, and we just can't seem to get going. We've definitely overworked ourselves.

Dave ran out of steam yesterday and had to leave MOMA after a few hours. Ryan did come over last night- I felt bad, though. We were all sort of sluggish. Eric went over to Brooklyn to hang out with Ryan and friends, but Dave and I went to bed at 10:30pm.

Dave's going to have to stay in today, and he's pretty upset about it; he just feels terrible. It's so incredibly beautiful outside, too. At least we can look forward to visiting Florida on the 24th for 5 days!

Also, tomorrow's Valentine's Day. We were going to try and get to the Dragonfly downtown...maybe we'll just fondue at home. It depends on how Dave feels. I have a lot of things I'd like to do, but it's also a work day. Sucks.