Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, January 30

A hopeful February

I think yesterday was our very last working Saturday on this project (God help us)! Today is a day to do whatever the hell we want.

Eric and I went over to Hoboken today so he could check out the area to see if he'd like to live there. On Tuesday morning, he's going to meet up with the broker we had used. I hope he's able to find an apartment he really loves! February will be a month of good changes. Eric will be getting his own place, we have a great friend coming to visit us mid-month, and then Dave and I visit home at the end of the month.

It should also be a little slower at work this month, so we can get some rest, see more of the city, get into the gym again, maybe get back into Bikram Yoga... maybe even Krav Maga!!!! Wow. We're also both excited about writing music together again. How cool.

Speaking of music, I've been thinking about buying an acoustic bass. We have an electric one and have a practice amp and all, but it would be a lot more portable and easier to play.

Another major purchase, most likely done before the bass, is a new couch. I have some money saved up that could really make our living room a lot more comfortable. I can't wait!