Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, January 27


I am SOOOOOOOOOOO TIRED!!!! I came home from work at 10 last night, flopped down on my bed and fell asleep, gloves to my sides, snow boots on, one arm still in my giant coat, and slept until about 3am until I finally changed and went to bed the right way.

The project I'm working on will (hopefully) end next week...we'll see....but then I can take some days off, get some rest, and I'll be flying to my parent's place in palm Beach Gardens at the end of February. I'm hoping the month of February I can actually get out into New York and have some fun! We've all been cooped up indoors with this project, working 12-hour days at 6 days a week. Eugh!

I spoke to a few people over at my old job (Harcourt) today. It was so great to get the scoop on everything! I really do miss Orlando. Dave will be flying there at the end of February for his youngest brother's birthday while I head to my parent's down south. Maybe in March we'll head to Orlando again. I'll bet the Condo being built behind our old apartment is absolutely beautiful.

I'm starting to get the itch to buy my first place. I'm actually considering a brownstone in Jersey City...