Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, February 6


Ok, so THIS Saturday was our last one!!!

The CLIENT on the giant job the studio has been working on for the last 8 months FINALLY freaked out three days before the ship date. We've been warning them forever- we were wondering when they were going to wake up! They've been marking up pages as if they were first proof (repours- patches with edits!) and making MAJOR design changes for weeks! Unfortunately, when they woke up, it wasn't in a "Hey, we're sorry we've been making this so impossible for you to meet the date we gave you; are you guys still going to make it?" way. Instead, it was "We're extremely concerned about the final days: how you expect to finish this book in two days? Please tell us how you plan to make it happen." ...Asses. Thanx for setting us up.

After getting heavily raked over the coals by the big boss, we all got into serious gear and shipped 13 chapters out in one night. We left at 3:45am- the studio paid for a car to pick us up and drive us home. Pretty cool!

We were back at work at 9:30am Friday and worked until 1am. Back at work yesterday (Saturday) from 10 to 11 (but got another car to drive us home). One more day- Monday- to get this done. Then.... freedom!

Last Tuesday, Eric met up with the crazy broker we had used to find our apartment when moving from Florida. They found only one kinda cool one, so Eric waited. On Saturday, in the middle of kicking major ass, Eric got a phone call from the broker. He said, "Hey Eric- this is Skip. I found a really great 450 square foot studio for you in Dixon Mills for $950 with a low fee." Without a pause, Eric said, "I'll take it! Tell them I'll take it!". Skip put a personal check down for $200 to hold the place. So that was it. Eric hasn't even seen the inside yet- but Skip is awesome- Dixon Mills loves Skip and so do Dave and I, so we're all trusting him. We came home last night, put our stuff down, and walked through two small sky bridges to see the apartment from the outside. SO COOL! He has his own little entrance and it's something like 20 steps to the elevator, which you take down to the 1st floor- you walk outside, go one door down, and there's the liquor/grocer we always go to! (We call it "Helen's" -That's the woman's name that runs it) He's so lucky! So, he'll be in his place in two weeks! Amazing.

The right part of this building (the glass area) is where Eric will be living. "Helen's" is on the bottom left.

The coolest part is to get to each other's apartment...we don't even have to put shoes on. We don't even go outside! We take a great walk through the sky bridges, occasionally catching a great view of Manhattan.