Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, February 20

New stuff, new day

Welp, we made it alive through IKEA on a holiday sale!!! We were there for FIVE hours. I've never seen it like that.

We did manage to get a few cool things, as well as some stuff we desperately needed! Eric found what he needed to start up his new place, and Dave and I finally replaced the last of our dishes with some funky Japanese/retro glasses and plates.
We also finally found a nice, brown leather couch to replace our poor, over-sized flattened down one (to be delivered on Wednesday).

Today is obscenely beautiful! Two of the cats found the sunlight the second I opened the blinds. Ahh... to be a cat.

We're heading out in an hour or so to hit the Museum of Natural History, then a great lunch, then Central Park. It's hard to believe it's supposed to snow tomorrow and Monday!!!