Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, February 22

Packin' for a Florida visit!

It's late, I'm tired, and I'm cleaning the house for no one since we'll be in Florida for three days starting Thursday. I guess I have a lot on my mind.

Eric's in Orlando now, gathering his belongings and visiting his friends. Dave is going to visit Orlando while I go to visit my parents in Palm Beach Gardens (3 hours south). Eric will be back right here after we leave, so it will sort of work out. He should be officially moved into his apartment on Monday afternoon!

Our couch arrives tomorrow afternoon from IKEA! We're going to keep it wrapped, so we can enjoy it when we get back, plus keep an eye on it to see how the cats will treat it. I don't expect too much of a problem, not that it's a big, expensive couch or anything. I'm not one of those people who obsess about scratches or dents. It's a natural part of an inanimate object, I suppose.

I might leave the web cam on insideon the apartment floor for the days we're out, so I (and you) can spy on the cats for fun.