Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Tuesday, March 1

Back and mostly rested

We're back! Whew! The flights were so close to being delayed due to snow! Despite all that snow, it was beautiful. The snow that fell earlier today were large pieces, dancing, refusing to land, gently floating around like feathers caught in the wind. It's great to be back.

Dave's trip to Orlando sounded awesome- he ate, slept and partied with everyone. He said going downtown was weird. Before, it felt like a city filled with music and bars. The streets seemed overcrowded at times. Now, it just felt like 3 blocks with small groups of people. I can't wait to visit again to see for myself.

Dave revisited all his favorite spots- Bar-B-Que Bar, Maui Jacks, and finally, Tanquerays. He saw just about everyone. He's pretty exhausted but feels great!

The trip to Palm Beach Gardens was good- lots of rest! I actually didn't feel like doing a whole lot. I pretty much just vegged out. I didn't even see anyone else but my parents! Maybe it was the weather (mostly cloudy and breezy). I didn't even take one picture!

As I flew back home, I already missed the "beachy" area where I grew up. I miss the boats, the ocean.... The air was so moist: a great break from the NY winter air! Maybe we'll look at the Newport apartments again when our lease is up. They're right off the river across from Manhattan (breathtaking view!), there are always boats sailing by, the air smells fresh, and there's always the sound of seagulls and the water slapping against the sea walls. Ahhh, home.

Eric's back at work today, even though his stuff STILL hasn't arrived yet! It's supposed to be here early tomorrow; there were snow delays.

We unwrapped our new IKEA couch and we love it! In fact, as of right this minute, it's already getting great use.