Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Wednesday, April 6

More FL to NY people?

To Kathy: I hope you had a great time in NY despite the bad weather! It was great to see you and catch up! I hope I didn't overdo the starry description of my love of New York! ;) Eric, it was great meeting you!

Kathy came by the studio for a tour and a "business lunch". It was nice to get out of the office, too! I went on and on about how great moving was, how many publishing jobs there were (especially for the next two years starting this summer!), and the differences between FL and NY (NY winning, of course). You'd think I just moved here a week ago!

Things are much better at work, except Dave is getting buried! We'll have more help next week, but for now, we'll have a few late work nights this week.

We've also been shifting the production room around for the last two days, and we'll all be in our permanent places by Friday. The room is looking really great- and I feel so much more tuned in with the team finally being in the same room! While there's less sunlight shining in through the windows, I have a partial view of the New Yorker and 1 Penn Plaza building, as well as Madison Square Garden. I'll have to post a photo sometime.

BTW: My parents are actually coming to New York!!! They'll be here in 2 weeks. They haven't been in New York in 30 YEARS, so I'm excited for them to see how much it's changed!