Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, April 3

Dave bashing

Welp, Dave got a bashing he didn't deserve on Friday afternoon; the infamous kind our boss dishes out from time to time onto innocent employees. We were supposed to go to a martini party at Kanvas that night, but since the get-together was for a send off for the second person to quit the studio due to this same reason, we decided a freshly hurt and angry Dave filled with hard liquor and in the company of fellow employees was probably not the best idea. Instead, Dave, Eric and I had a few simple beers over at Molly Wee's, where Dave could let out his frustrations in the company of an unknown public.

Saturday, Dave and Eric headed over to the Alphabet Lounge (lower east side, Ave.C & 7th) to see Geron (one of the studio's designers) play an acoustic gig and catch up with a few friends. I stayed at home to be alone for a while, drive some Playstation, and ponder the studio's intentions.

Today, Eric and I headed over to IKEA again for an afternoon of hunting and gathering. Eric finally found a couch, and I finally decided on a shelving unit for the bedroom, to arrive this Saturday. (Fight Club, anyone?)

Right now the guys are watching the first baseball game of the season- Yankees vs. Red Sox. Eric is dressed in his stinky Red Sox gear, actual red socks and all. Don't worry; I'm not a Yankees fan, either.

Kathy, a friend from Orlando (Hi, Kathy!) is up for a visit! I'm going to introduce her to the studio tomorrow, have lunch and do a quick catch up.