Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, April 25

What a visit!

Welp, my parents left this afternoon. I called for a car, so they had a comfortable ride to the airport with no fuss.

I feel like they really had a great time. I was worried since they hadn’t been here for 30 years and still had that 70’s impression of it all. They never went to New York unless they had to. They grew up in New Jersey and moved to Florida (to raise my sister and I) in 1973.

We did much eating, walking and cab riding, and I feel like they got a pretty good feel for the life I chose. I cried when they were leaving, which I just never do, mostly because my mom takes care of that (and two people crying never helps). ;)

I cried partly because I would miss them, but I think it was mostly happiness. I felt so thankful for them coming to visit; something I was starting to think would never really happen. I wanted to show them what was so great about the life I chose; to show them a part of me. I felt proud to be able to show them how well I was finally doing. I felt like a successful young adult (even though I’m not a ‘young’ one anymore). I felt like I had closure over all the worries of what they would think and what they would see.

Here are a few photos from their visit:
Mom and Dad in Central Park

Dad, Mom and I in Central Park after a horse-drawn carriage ride

Later at the Heartland Brewery at the ESB base (nice face, Eric!)

St.Patrick's Cathedral

Inside St.Patrick's Cathedral (I have a bunch more photos- this place was AMAZING!)

At the restaurant "Vu” along with one of my dad's best friends, Tom. As we were just getting started, the Queen Mary 2 sailed by. Beautiful.

By the way, this restaurant is located in the Hyatt at Exchange place- great food, and the BEST view of the financial district you can get! I HIGHLY recommend it!!!

A cross at the WTC site made from two steel beams, one of them with a piece of the plane still wrapped around it…

In the Lyceum Theatre: We saw the play “Steel Magnolias” for FREE from the producer through a friend of a friend!

At Times Square, after the play.

My parents were so amazed at how much it had changed after 30 years!

Our family house in NJ.

My dad had visited a friend and stopped to see our old house. It’s my parent’s first house: I only lived there a year before we moved to Florida in 1973.

Washington Square in Spring

A fish market in China town (they had giant buckets of crabs still alive; a little upsetting…)

The Brooklyn Bridge from the South Street Seaport