Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, May 2

Bikram at LAST!

I could feel my body curving inwards from months of stress and lack of activity, so on Sunday, we did it. ...We FINALLY made it to a Bikram class!!! Unbelievable. (To quote Dave: "I'm beside myself, and that's impossible!") I just looked up the schedule, and we just did it.

The class actually isn't held in the Flat Iron building after all, despite what the web site says; it's across the street from it.

The class is up three flights worth of straight and steep stairs. The actual Bikram room has mirrors covering the front wall, ballet bars across the back wall, and uncovered windows on the far wall, where you can see into the windows of the Flat Iron Building (I wonder if there are people working in there that peek over into our class as it's going on?). Also, while you're lying on the floor looking out: a clear view of the Met Life tower. The clock is right there. I still can’t believe we live in New York.

The Intro special was $20 for each of us, covering how ever many times we want to do it during that week, including a mat. The instructor was just as cool as the one we had in Orlando (the first/one time we did it there). The class was a lot bigger, though; I found out it holds 52 students at once!

The class goes for 1 1/2 hours. Dave and I both stopped at some point to cool down. And we weren't the only beginners in there, thank God! The class was GREAT. Even today, we both feel so incredible. It's so
different than the gym- it feels like the opposite: working your muscles from the inside out. I feel more balanced and healthier. They say Americans have the most clogged-up bodies between the food they eat
and the lack of activity they have in their daily lives. This is such a fun step to being balanced!

Later this afternoon I bought yoga shorts and shirts, two yoga-type hooded jackets to wear after I leave, and some Lancome self-tanning spray (for a little extra healthy glow).

This week at work is going to be INSANE. Bikram came around just in time!