Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, May 16

Time for the Doc's!

The pain was so bad lying down last night that I had to get myself to the doctors this morning. After a 3 hour wait at a walk-in clinic, I found a great doctor! She basically told me what I had suspected: I had an inflamed muscle from coughing so hard and often, and gave me an anti-inflammatory that should also help me sleep (YEA, CODEINE)!

I learned a lot about those small Bergenline buses that are always driving about- I got from Hoboken to the Newport Mall for $1.50 (I swore there was a Duane/Reed pharmacy, plus I picked up a few things for Dave’s birthday on Sunday) and then got a ride to Jersey Street right next to our apartment and an actual pharmacy. I’m all set. I just have to ride this out somehow. Dave’s family will be here starting Thursday, so I need to get over this!