Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, May 19


Yup. I ended up in the emergency room last night. The pain above my ribs on the right side had gotten worse during the day, so much that I couldn't cough, even when I really had to. I had planned on going back to the walk-in clinic this morning.

But last night, I tried to lie down to go to bed, but the pain was too great. I even tried to prop up my side with a rolled towel. Finally, a small 'crack' came from the area. After that, it was more pain than I could handle. Me being all upset probably didn't help, either. We went over to Liberty Hospital, about 3 blocks from here, so it was a very quick cab ride.

I sort of handled the visit poorly- I was pretty upset that I was there, and was a little emotional after getting drugged up. I mostly cried, hyperventilated once, and finally fell asleep (I know, I know...). We got back home at almost 6am, and I have plenty of drugs to keep me happy.

The outcome was what I thought, except this time it was confirmed with an x-ray. It was "costochondritis", which means "inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib". It normally goes away on it's own, but with the coughing that wouldn't go away, it just made it worse.

Dave's parents will be here in an hour, and his brothers and sister-in-law will be here tomorrow. I'm so bummed I'm still in this condition... There are baseball games, dinners and more all planned out, that I'm probably going to have to bow out on. I've also been out work for a week!

I'm hoping to be better by Saturday night.