Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Saturday, June 4

Newest Albums

We headed over to Best Buy on 23rd after work last night for a few weekend CDs. We picked up new CDs from a few old bands:

-- A Perfect Circle's "Emotive": We were surprised to find this- we had no idea there were going to any more Perfect Circle albums! Even more surprising, most of the songs were COVERS such as John Lennon's "Imagine" and Tears for Fears "People are People"! A great example of how to perform covers using your OWN style. Extremely cool.

-- Dishwalla's "Dishwalla": Ok, so I bought it. I was right about "Surrender the Crown"- very cool, mellow song. The album is a "step to the left" as far as Dishwalla's signature formula - which I love - but it's not bad!

-- Garbage's "Bleed Like Me": I've never been into Garbage (ok, maybe literally), but everyone else (including Dave) seems to like them. I've only listened to the album once, but I'm thinking I don't like it. Her voice got a little annoying after just a few songs- not changing enough. Even in the past, I always thought the songs should be produced with her voice more up front. She's always kinda mid to behind everything else. Not sure about this album yet. It 's a good exercise to show how poor lyrics sound better with music, though...

-- Gorillaz' (?) "Demon Days": There was a super album with videos and interviews for $6 more, but I'm not a huge fan, so I got the album only. Same 'ol Gorillaz sound- nothing too outstanding on it, but a good album to have around for background music. Plus I was just curious. It's a good thing they didn't name it "Demon Dayz", or I would have put it right back down. ;)

-- Collective Soul's "Youth": Yes, a new album by Collective Soul! I liked them back in the day; a heavy rock vs. pop mix. (This album is less rock and more pop.) I still love Ed Roland's voice!

We partied a bit while listening to each album from start to finish, talked about music and just chilled out. It's been a long time since we've had a relaxing "music night".