Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Thursday, June 30

Fireworks night @ Shea tomorrow!

Tomorrow should be a long, exciting day! Tomorrow is the boss' first day back after his two-week vacation away in Greece, I'm meeting up with a great friend from Florida (K-Rad!!!) for lunch, then Dave, Eric and I are heading over to Shea Stadium with a bunch of work friends to hopefully catch another successful Mets win and watch the fireworks right over the stadium (we have GREAT seats!), and THEN we're hopefully going to catch up with another friend for her birthday night out! Whew!

Here's a photo of Shea Stadium in 2002 on Fireworks Night.

We're back in the saddle again with Bikram. I'm starting to show some weight loss, and I have muscles the lower parts of my legs that I didn't know I could grow!!!

Dave and I never got the chance to jam at the music studio on Wednesday, but we did stop in to get final info on prcies and room sizes on Wednesday. I think we're going to head in on Saturday afternoon; it should be a lot less busy over the 4th of July weekend! And hey! YAAY!