Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Monday, August 1

Dave get his bags searched

Dave actually got his bags searched today at the PATH station this morning! Dave had his book bag and his guitar in a guitar case.

First they checked his guitar case. Then they opened his book bag. One officer dryly announced what was in it: "A banana, a packet of oatmeal"... then in a serious (but joking) voice added, "There's no salt in that, right?" Dave quickly replied, "No sir."

In spite of everything going on right now (in London), everyone is still staying in good spirits. And it makes me happy that he was searched. I'm glad they're out there keeping an extra eye on things, even if it holds you up for a whole 20 seconds. I've read that there were people out there that were actually upset about having their bags searched! I almost think they shouldn't have a choice. I want to be safe. And they should have nothing to hide.

There are extra cops at every other few stops- and every once in a while one will stroll through one door and wander out the other while the train is briefly stopped. They sure do remind you of past and present events.