Sharon in New York

Not-quite daily blab.

Sunday, July 31

Barbecue and Yoga

Today was SUPPOSED to be Eric's first Bikram Yoga experience! We were all pretty excited, but made one wrong choice: we decided to call Budget (a local cab company). Boy, do they suck. Why do we always call them?!

We wanted to get into the city a bit early so Eric could sign up and relax a bit before class. The cab was late as usual, and we missed the 12:15 train. By the time we got to 23rd street, it was 1:05pm. Class started at 1: The only class Eric had time for that day.

So, we drug our yoga mats around town, had lunch at Dallas Barbecue on 8th (one of our favs), and caught a movie (Wedding Crashers- very funny movie).

Dave and I ended up taking the 6pm class. After that, the day was done.

What a weird, drawn-out day!